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The New SouthBDHUB : Opportunities and Announcements


SouthBDHUB Opportunities List  


Opportunities and Announcements
Dear South BD Hub Community,

This email contains a listing of monthly opportunities that we are distributing on behalf of our hub community. We plan to release these on the first week of each month, and grow our monthly email into a newsletter. The items in our Opportunities section come from our hub members. To learn more about how to have an item listed among our opportunities next month, please scroll to the far bottom section of this email.
But first, we open with a message from our co-Executive Directors, which includes a link to a short survey. We are asking everyone who is interested in engaging with us to complete it. Our goal is to make the hub an effective resource for our community, and our ability to learn what has and will work from you is an essential part of that aim.


Beyond Spokes: A Message from the co-Executive Directors of the South Big Data Hub
Congratulations! We have completed the first round of NSF Big Data Spokes Project and Planning Grants! Many of you have engaged with the Hub, defined great ideas, brought together multiple stakeholders from industry, academic and government, assembled multi-state teams, and built collaborative projects to “Automate the Big Data Lifecycle,” “Enable Access to Important Data Assets,“ and “Solve Societal Grand Challenges.”


The Hub and Spoke opportunity from NSF has sparked a ground swell of activity across the nation and the momentum need not stop with Spoke proposals. Many members have expressed excitement to get started and get moving with projects now.
Therefore the South Hub is offering a survey for groups and individuals that would like to engage “Beyond Spoke Proposals.” The survey reflects on your Hub experience thus far, outlines several ways for individuals and groups to be involved, and gives us the opportunity to highlight your team’s success stories. We encourage Spoke leads to forward the survey all team members and let’s get started together.

All the Best,
South Big Data Regional Innovation Hub

Renata Rawlings-Goss, Ph.D.                          Lea Shanley, Ph.D.
Co-Executive Director                                       Co-Executive Director