Check out previous Statistics Conferences co-hosted by UFII and Department of Statistics:
Bayes Comp 2020 is a biennial conference sponsored by the ISBA section of the same name. The conference and the section both aim to promote original research into computational methods for inference and decision making and to encourage the use of frontier computational tools among practitioners, the development of adapted software, languages, platforms, and dedicated machines, and to translate and disseminate methods developed in other disciplines among statisticians.
A primary goal of the Computational Biomedicine Conference is to bring together scientists, engineers and mathematicians from a variety of related disciplines to exchange ideas and present original research results in the theory and applications of computational biomedicine. The conference will be composed of featured symposia, plenary lectures, invited sessions, and contributed sessions.
Data Science and Information (DSI) is a multi- and inter-disciplinary student organization dedicated to celebrating and promoting Data Science at the University of Florida. DSI is partnered with the UF Informatics Institute to share in their mission of fostering research and educational studies in order to raise the preeminence of UF. To accomplish this mission, DSI hosts workshops throughout the year and its annual symposium in mid-March at the J. Wayne Reitz Union on the UF campus. The symposium includes speakers from a wide range of research fields at UF in three breakout sessions of four speakers each. Learn about computer vision, bioinformatics, political forecasting, business analytics, and more. The symposium also includes two rounds of workshops with several choices in each round- such as Python, data visualization and machine learning.