Stats Winter 2022 Workshop Poster Presenters Heting Wang “Does Dataset Distillation Impact Privacy?”, Octavio Mesner “Fair Information Spread on Social Networks with Community Structure”, J. Chris Goldstein “Mitigating AI Bias: Teaching Resident Physicians to Become Anesthesiologists-in-the-Loop (AITL)”

Stats Winter 2022 Workshop Poster Presenters Heting Wang “Does Dataset Distillation Impact Privacy?”, Octavio Mesner “Fair Information Spread on Social Networks with Community Structure”, J. Chris Goldstein “Mitigating AI Bias: Teaching Resident Physicians to Become Anesthesiologists-in-the-Loop (AITL)”

  • Heting Wang, Graduate Student, Dept. of Computer & Information Science & Engineering; “Does Dataset Distillation Impact Privacy?”
  • Dr. Octavio Mesner, Posdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Statistics, University of Michigan; “Fair Information Spread on Social Networks with Community Structure”
  • Dr. J. Chris Goldstein, Instructor, Dept. of Anesthesiology, “Mitigating AI Bias: Teaching Resident Physicians to Become Anesthesiologists-in-the-Loop (AITL)”