AI Advances and Applications Virtual Seminar Series – Dr. Dimitri Bourilkov

AI Advances and Applications Virtual Seminar Series – Dr. Dimitri Bourilkov

AI Advances and Applications Virtual Seminar Series

Machine and Deep Learning Applications in Particle Physics by Dr. Dimitri Bourilkov

Associate Scientist in the Department of Physics

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 (Please note that this is a different weekday than prior AI talks)

Key ways in which machine and deep learning are transforming the analysis and simulation of data in particle physics are introduced. Cutting-edge examples based on boosted decision trees and various types of neural networks, and the challenges in their applications, are highlighted. After describing these novel analysis techniques, the talk will touch on the interactions between physics and machine learning as a two-way street enriching both disciplines and helping to meet the present and future challenges of data-intensive science at the high energy and intensity frontiers.